Shift Your State: 3 Minute Meditations for Busy, Stressed People

Too busy to meditate? Does your mind jump all over the place when you try? These guided meditations help you take control of your state and move from Chaotic to Calm in just 3 minutes! They include binaural beats, a form of sound therapy, that guides the mind into an alpha wave state of relaxation.
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About This Product:

Do you feel Anxious and Stressed most of the time - like everything in your life is an emergency?

Does your Worry Mind suck the enjoyment from your Life?

 Do You want out of this Vicious Cycle but not sure what to do? 


I have been there! 


Hi I’m Prashanti Devi (aka Maria Miller, LMFT)  and I’ve been meditating for 30 years. I help my busy, stressed clients in my psychotherapy practice feel more relaxed, calm, and peaceful. And it can happen in just 3 minutes.  I know that sounds impossible, but it’s true.


Let me teach you a Simple and Powerful Way -  to quiet your mind and relax your emotional state….


My Shift Your State course gives you 9 short but very powerful guided meditations that help you to find your inner peace and calm, easily and quickly, so you’ll feel more in control of your life and more joy and fulfillment. 


Before I started meditating, anxiety and stress took over my life. I would close my eyes to meditate but all I experienced was my thoughts racing about. I couldn’t shut off my busy mind. Meditation felt like an uncomfortable, almost impossible chore! I knew that meditation could help, but I felt I didn’t even have time for that!


One day I sat down and said I’m going to meditate for just 3 minutes. I figured I could stand anything for just 3 minutes. So I did one of the meditations I’m going to share with you and I was amazed at the StateShift that occurred - I went from frazzled to calmer, more centered, and more open in just 3 minutes. 


Not only that, I started using these meditations with my clients and I saw the powerful shift that took place for them in only a couple of minutes. They were amazed and so grateful for being able to move from feeling so stressed to calm, centered, and open.


I’m so excited to share this course with you, to help you find your peace and calm, so that you feel more in control of your life, and more joy and fulfillment. Doing these meditations daily can help you Shift Your State easily and quickly.


Let’s get started! 

Sending peace and love your way and I can’t wait to see you on the other side!


**These meditations are recorded with binaural beats, a form of sound therapy, that guides the brain into an alpha wave state. Alpha brain waves can stimulate relaxation, and decrease stress and feelings of anxiety.


Disclosure: "The training is intended for informational and educational purposes. It is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, and/or treatment. Please consult your medical professional before making changes to your diet, exercise routine, medical regimen, lifestyle, and/or mental health care."

Program Details

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Disclosure: "Individual’s experience may not represent the typical participant. Your background, motivation, commitment, and actions may differ. This is used as an example and not a guarantee of success. Your results may vary.